Tuesday 22 July 2014

Alfredo and roasted garlic

1 hlavku cesnaku
6 lyžíc neslaného masla
1 3/4 pohára smotany
1 1/4 čerstvo nastrúhaného cesnaku
soľ podla chuti
1/2 lyžičky čerstvého čierneho kkorenia
2 lyžice múky rozmiešanej v 1 lyžici smotany

Cenak očistíme a orestujeme na panvici
V malom hrnci na miernom plameni ropustíme maslo.
Pridáme smotanu a orestovaný cesnak a necháme prejsť varom ale nevaríme.
Prmiešame parmezán soľ,čierne korenie a miešame až kým sa syr nerozpustí.
Múku romiešame so smotanou a pridáme miešame až kým zmes nezhustne.
Podávame s cestovinammi.

Ingredients1 head of garlic
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 3/4 cup heavy cream
1 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons flour mixed with 1 tablespoon heavy cream

To roast garlic, follow these directions.
Remove the cloves of garlic by gently squeezing them from the skins and place into a small bowl.
With a fork, mash the cloves.
In a small saucepan, on low to medium heat, melt the butter.
Add the cream  and roasted garlic, and heat to very warm, but DO NOT boil.
Mix the Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper, whisking constantly until cheese has melted.
Mix in the cream/flour mixture, stirring and heating until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat and serve over fettuccine noodles or ravioli.

Objednané tagliatte s omáčkou zo skvelej talianskej reštaurácie v Kanade:)

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