Chutná, a bez sterilizácie.
Vydrží naozaj dlho teda ak ju pred tým nezjete:)
(na 15 malých fľaštičiek)
2,5kg hlávku kapusty
1kg papriky
500 g cibule
500g mrkvy, 150 kryštálový cukor
500ml octu
1 ml oleja
1 deko
Kapustu, mrkvu, cibuľu a papriku očistite a nastrúhajte na rezance.
Spravte si zálievku z cukru, octu a deka (to preosejte cez sitko, horčičné semiačko nedávajte).
Premiešajte a vlejte do zmesi zeleniny.
Dobre premiešajte, nech sa zeleninka prepojí a nechajte 24 hodín stáť.
Potom už len naložte do fliaš aj s vodou, uzavrite a odložte do chladu.
Nemusíte sterilizovať.
Zaváranina vydrží veľmi dlho.
15 May 2014
Kitchen, a place for my imagination, a place where I refill my energy and feel free. I started to cook at very young age, at first I cooked recipes traditional for my beloved Slovakia and trying recipes from countries I have visited, cooking with my Mammy and Family and few years later I end up creating my own recipes and became to love cooking more and more, I realised that there is nothing better than creating your own taste and seeing the enthusiasm of the flavors on the tasters:-)
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